My PC Therapist (Now in Vero Beach!)
 PC Repairs
Virus and Spyware removal
Data recovery
Hardware upgrades
Home/Office networking
 Learning Center
Purchasing Assistance
Windows Basics
Microsoft Office
Internet Basics
Security and Maintenance
Web site development
Desktop and LAN systems
Individual Therapy
Using Windows

Mysteries revealed

If you're new to Windows or suffering from the shock of moving from XP to Vista or 7, My PC Therapist can help. Understanding how your PC works and how Windows represents "objects" like files, folders, devices, and programs can make using Windows a breeze. You'll also learn how to interact with "objects", discovering what they can do (go ahead - right-click on your desktop), and using common functions like cut, copy, paste, and object dragging.

Built-in Windows Programs

Windows comes with a suite of useful programs, like Wordpad, Media Player, and Outlook Express. My PC Therapist will show you how to get the most out of those programs and make your PC experience more enjoyable.